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Liquids level

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By-pass display

· The by-pass indicators are used to visually and/or electrically control the volume of liquid in the tank.
· They are installed outside the tank as a communicating vessel.
· They can incorporate electrical elements of measurement and control for the automation of the process.
· Custom fabrication to suit the installation conditions.

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· Electric water level control in tanks and visual
· Side mounting
· Several options for the process connection
· Manufactured in SS AISI316 (1.4401)

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· Electrical and visual level control in tanks
· Side mounting
· Different posibilities to process connection
· Manufactured in Polypropylene

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· Electric water level control in tanks and visual
· Side mounting
· Options for connection to process
· Manufactured in PVDF

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· By-pass adapter to switch or magnetic transducer
· Manufactured in SS AISI316 (1.4401)

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· Electric and visual level control in tanks
· Top mounting
· Options for connection to process
· Manufactured in SS AISI316 (1.4401)
Process connection
Electrical control
Choose what type of electrical control you want to incorporate to the outside of the bypass display.
Tube diameter
The float must be smaller in diameter than the process connection.
Top finish
Define how the top of the tube ends.
Bottom finish
Define how the bottom of the tube ends.
Distance between centers
Express the distance (in mm) between the centers of the process connection.
Lower distance
Express the distance (in mm) between the center of the lower process connection and the end of the tube.

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· By-pass level indicator with double process connection
· Manufactured in transparent PVC
Process connection
Electrical control
Choose what type of electrical control you want to incorporate to the outside of the bypass display.
Tube diameter
The float must be smaller in diameter than the process connection.
Top finish
Define how the top of the tube ends.
Bottom finish
Define how the bottom of the tube ends.
Distance between centers
Express the distance (in mm) between the centers of the process connection.
Lower distance
Express the distance (in mm) between the center of the lower process connection and the end of the tube.

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· By-pass level indicator with single process connection
· Manufactured in PVC transparent

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 · By-pass accessory
 · Independent level points detection
 · Ex version
 · Manufactured in Aluminum